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Martian Gardeners Trilogy - Special Edition
2-5 time   3 complexity 30 time
119 € / $ / ¥

Three games about planting flowers in space, by Néstor Romeral Andrés.

The beloved Martian Gardeners are back with a special edition. This is exactly twice the size as the original one (see picture on the top-right for comparison) and contains all the components to play the three games: Gardens of Mars, Gardens of Io and gardens of Enceladus. Simply pick the components you need for the game that you wish to play.

Material: Tube (45 cm long), 3 boards made of outdoor-resistant fabric (30x42 cm), 20 yellow flowers, 20 red flowers, 20 blue flowers, 20 green flowers, 20 purple flowers, 10 orange flowers, 9 grey discs, 1 grey flower, 5 peaks, 6 dice, 10 martians (2 of each type). The dice colour is random.

The picture on the right shows the size comparison with the first edition.

You might with to consider getting Gardens of Uranus, too!

Rules in English | 日本語ルール | Mars on boardgamegeek | Io on boardgamegeek | Enceladus on boardgamegeek | Mars overview in Japanese (old edition) | Playing Io (old edition)

WARNING: Choking hazard. It contains small parts that may be swallowed or inhaled. Not for children under 3 years. This product is intended for general use by consumers of all ages (except 3 or younger). It is not intended primarily for children.