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2-5 time   2 complexity 15 time
49€ / $ / ¥

A pattern-building game for 2 to 5 players, with a puzzle for one, by Néstor Romeral Andrés.

In Microchip, 2 to 5 players compete to create a structure that looks like a microchip with tiles depicting paths and connections.

Components: 60 tiles (3D-printed), 5 unique boards (outdoor flexible fabric; 15 cm side), cotton case or cardboard box (your choice).

The boards have been generated randomly (obeying some constraints) and there might not be two equal boards in the entire planet (unless copied). You can purchase additional boards, swap boards with other Microchip owners or even create your own.

Rules in English | 日本語ルール | Game page on boardgamegeek

WARNING: Choking hazard. It contains small parts that may be swallowed or inhaled. Not for children under 3 years. This product is intended for general use by consumers of all ages (except 3 or younger). It is not intended primarily for children.