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The Mystique Pack
2-8 time   3 complexity 20 time
39 € / $ / ¥

The Mystique Deck is a special deck of cards designed by Néstor Romeral Andrés and worderfully illustrated by Chechu Nieto. It has 60 cards, with each one depicting three different features (instead of two, like a regular poker deck):

- Colour: Yellow, red, and blue — the 3 primary colours of pigment. There are 20 cards of each colour.
- Suit: Suns, Moons, Arms, and Crowns. Suns and moons are the ‘heaven’ cards. Arms and Crowns are the ‘earth’ cards. There are 15 cards of each suit. These suits are the same as in Piecepack, thus making the deck compatible with it.
- Number: from 1 to 5. Fives are depicted with an open palm, with the corresponding coloured suit in its palm. There are 12 cards of each number.

Moreover, each card has a unique number at the top, from 1 to 60. This is the ‘card number’. Some examples of cards are: Three of red crowns, One of blue suns (also called ace of blue suns), Five of yellow arms (also called palm of yellow arms).

There are two different Mystique decks: Mystique Gold and Mystique Silver. Both have the same card distribution; only the backs are different. Each deck includes a full colour tuckbox (see above). The tuck boxes are folded and they don't use glue.

Components: 2 decks (Gold and Silver), book with 12+1 games by 8 designers, box.

Rules in English | Game page on boardgamegeek

WARNING: Choking hazard. It contains small parts that may be swallowed or inhaled. Not for children under 3 years. This product is intended for general use by consumers of all ages (except 3 or younger). It is not intended primarily for children.